Return Conditions

Return Conditions Product Return Conditions

You can request a refund within 30 days of receiving your order. In case of a defect in your assorted purchases, you can send the defective product for exchange.

Due to hygiene conditions, used products with any contact with the skin are not eligible for a refund. Cosmetic and personal care products are not accepted for return due to hygiene rules.

For products sold as a combination, all items included in the COMBINATION CONTENT must be returned.

The product you are returning must be unused and free from damage due to misuse. If the products are used, worn, washed, or if they come with a perfume or any scent, we may have to return them to you. In such cases, a refund will not be issued.

Refunds will not be processed in cases that do not comply with the above conditions.

How can I send a return?

Returns of created purchases: After logging in with your membership information, you can view all your orders from the 'My Account > My Orders' page. You can send your return to us free of charge with the MNG cargo shipping code.

Return code: 339846086

We will also provide information about the return process through SMS and email. Your return code will be sent to you via SMS and email after your return application. When the products reach us, they will undergo inspections. If the return process is successfully completed, your refund will be processed within 3 to 5 business days.


If you detect any defects in the products you have purchased, you can contact our customer service team to request an exchange. You can send your product to us free of charge with the MNG cargo shipping code. If your product is examined, and the exchange process is successfully completed, your new product will be shipped within 48 hours.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.